Sometimes work and other issues take precedence. Things like Halloween, for which I went to work as the Phantom of the Opera.
Here's a picture.
My shift at work has been changed from 12 noon to 8pm to 9:30am to 5:30 pm. Much more normal, but now I have to get a new regime going for my weight loss.
I love the company I work for, It is truly a progressive company. They have supported me thus far and are looking forward in helping me going forward. To those of you reading this from work, I say thank you, I love you all!
My family, is small, but effective, to wit. My In-laws live out of state but they inspire me to do these things to get healthier, to be more. To grow as a person and to not give up. I love them very much.
Now before we get to some more fun, how about yet another taste test or two? Disregard the caption on the second video, I forgot to change the text.
So those are two of the Abouttime Products. I will be posting more shortly.
Also I am hoping to have some Syntrax products to taste test for you soon. So lets see what else is new.
Well I would love to tell you about how ready I am. I did indeed get cleared by my mental health person, she is sending a copy of the letter to me and to the weight loss center. I have to join a gym very soon, as diet alone will just plateau off soon. I really need to go into a sort of maintenance mode to keep from gaining but not trying to lose drastically. I am sort of ready, everyday I think about things out of nowhere, I was walking through the grocery store, and we walked by the snack cake display, and suddenly you realize that you are giving up not just some bad foods, but a lot of things that have given you pleasure for so long.
It is deeply disturbing to think you cant just stop at dunkin donuts and grab a coffee and a donut. To know you're going to have to plan your day around several small drinks and eating very small portions of things forever. A lot of people on several of the forums I visit, will talk about the regrets you have almost immediately after you have the surgery and realize all these changes are now irreversible. I guess it is kind of like buyer's remorse with houses, that feeling of, oh what have I got myself into.
You really have to be ready for this deep inside ready to get rid of so many things that fat people hide. We hide a lot of pain from people, and yes a heck of a lot from ourselves. From not being picked to participate in sports, ( I am sure you have heard that one before) to the more subtle things like, going to college and having to request a special seat because the stupid seats are too small. Getting in an out of small cars is a comedy waiting to happen. There are the stares in public, and there are much worse but I am not trying to make this into a pity party.
I know I mentioned recently that I started taking guitar lessons, I had tried this before for a couple of months but let it go due to finances. I have the same teacher 15 years later , which is funny. Jokingly I talked about this being part of my mid life crisis, along with the surgery. Who knows maybe I am trying to be a different person. I do think though that instead of trying to regain my youth, I am actually trying to gain some of the youth I should've given myself.
One of the things talked about a lot is setting goals for yourself regarding this surgery and weight loss. I have mentioned that my goal weight is 170 pounds, and I am currently weighing in ( today) at 340 pounds. So I basically have to cut myself in half. We'll the reward , besides being healthier and all that comes with it, is to go to Disney. Well It may not be Disney, who knows. Id love to travel with my in laws, who are quite experienced travelers. In talking with them we joked about buying a new car, the epitome of the mid life crisis.
I talked with my friend Tuck and he said he wants a Porsche, which I can understand. For me, it's a muscle car, One of the newer Ford Mustang, not new I doubt I will see a new car for years thanks to the Bankruptcy. Yeah I didn't mention that, oh well. But A nice used one, would be fun to take the wife out etc. I do dream though huh. Who knows what the future holds.
Well that's it for now. Thank you all for stopping by, I wish you all wealth , love and happiness.
Here's this episodes Quote...
In the Middle Ages, they had guillotines, stretch racks, whips and chains. Nowadays, we have a much more effective torture device called the bathroom scale. ~Stephen Phillips
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