Tuesday, December 30, 2014

..........All I want for Christmas, is food.

  Hello all, Yes it has been awhile but  this time immediately following surgery has been....busy and involved to say the least.  While on the pain meds you really should not write. ( The things i wrote ,  well wow, English becomes your third language right behind gibberish.) Immediately after you stop the pain meds you have so much to do just making your day go by, that you don't seem to have time to write. 
Before we get too far along I would like to post some videos! Yay here are some videos for your enjoyment. They are taste tests of two different product lines. First is from the about time shake and go series.

  The second is from Premier Protein, many people swear this is great, we shall see The premier people were kind enough to send me 4 4-packs of their assorted flavors of ready made products. Now we all remember how bad the ready made stuff was very early on in the blog, but with many people liking these we are giving it a shot. 

  Anyway, Let us focus on the good things, today is 12/30/2014 exactly 14 days since surgery. Two weeks, half a month!  lets look at the positives and do a grand recap of this weight issue as it relates to this surgery. In 2012 I weighed in at 408 pounds, this is while I was in school, unemployed and just focusing on schoolwork, doing a mix of daytime, morning and night classes made or helped me, eat very bad things and eat them sometimes at weird hours, not very conducive to living healthy at all.
    I started my  employment at Peach, where I have had so much support and  help, in February 2014, at that time I happened to go to my doctors and weighed in at 374 pounds.   I started my pre op diet on October 12, 2014 at 362 pounds, which felt good to be down from the 408 two years previous. My surgery date was 12/16/2014 and at that time I weighed 332 pounds. Now back to today. Two weeks post surgery I weighed in this morning at 307 pounds. 25 pounds down in 14 days. Now obviously this is not going to last, this rate of weight loss that is. You cant lose over a pound a day for a sustained period of time without  turning into a malnourished waif.  
    For the first week or so, two pounds a day was the norm, the last few days have slowed to a pound a day and soon , from conversations with others etc, my weight loss will slow to a few pounds a week and stay at that rate off and on. Now this is all well and good, and the next step is going to be more physical. Tomorrow I get cleared , hopefully, by the Nurse practitioner to move from liquids and purees ( which is still liquid only disgusting), to what is known as stage 4 . The stage 4 diet includes soft meats ( like pulled pork, fish, ground beef, shredded chicken etc.) mashed vegetables, ( I pity the fool that keeps me from some mashed potatoes, just once lol) eggs, ( yes scrambled eggs is a joy I will experience.) etc. 
  Now if it seems I am overjoyed at the prospect of eating something with some solidity to it, well yes it is true. After 2 weeks of nothing but liquids, you would go nuts. You cant eat nuts however. 
  There are three things that have kept me sane, my wife taking time off to be home with me has been just a godsend. To be alone and going through this all day would have been just unbearable. The second thing is the weight loss. To get up every day and see the scale drop almost two pounds, is beyond the normal happy feeling, you get from almost anything else, at least for me in this context. 
   It really makes you happy to see this weight literally falling off of you thanks to the surgery and the fact you are taking in about 400 calories per day or 5 times less than a normal weight person is recommended to take in daily. 
   Third on the list is a weird one. Sugar free Jello, and sugar free Cool whip. Yes not Lite Cool Whip, but sugar free. If you look in your grocers freezer its there, it is not the easiest to find, but it is there. The Sugar free Jello, gives you the illusion on solidity , at least for a short time, and it gives you some "mouth feel."  While the Sugar Free Cool Whip actually lets you feel like you are having something decadent. It is a funny product because it has almost zero taste to it. But it has the creaminess that Cool Whip is known for. Tie these three things together and you can make it through the rough period of two weeks of nothing but liquids, well yes Jello counts as a liquid. 
   Thankfully I have only had a few, hiccups along the way in these two weeks. One thing you figure out is that if you drink too fast or too much you will hear about it. I seriously mean that, you will be visited by three ghosts ( sorry Mr. Dickens), The first is the Ghost of the weird noises. Your stomach will make noises they can hear on a listening post in Bora-Bora. It's like whales moved in to your colon and decided to sing the entire works of Beethoven at a high volume. 
   This is a warning song, should you  not listen to it the second ghost will come, the Ghost of Intense Gastric Pains. You will feel like your stomach is eating itself, well what little of it is left that is. It is very painful, it feels like intense hunger only multiplied by a scale of 20. It is not fun. If you have reached this point then ghost number three always follows Ghost number 2. Ghost number 3 is the Ghost of the toilet screaming. WARNING the following paragraph is graphic in nature and may upset the sensibilities of those with a weak constitution.  
   The Ghost of toilet screaming is of course a Euphemism for evacuating all the liquid in your stomach and colon out of your butt at extreme velocity and pressure. If you have to do this in say a public bathroom, you would probably be greeted with sounds of , "oh my god!", Is that a human? and someone call 911! This is all associated with what is known as dumping syndrome, or dumping for short. It can also be associated with rapid heart rate, flushed skin, dizziness and nausea. Thankfully I have learned to  drink slower and not overdo it. 
  Now tomorrow I get to start relearning this all over again with solid food. 
  SO i think that's where we will leave this. I know that literally on the way home from the doctors tomorrow me and the wife are going to stop and get some Indian food, ( soft meats, mushy veg, absolutely perfect) Chicken vindaloo  yay! lol. See you all soon, Thank you for being part of my support team, I love you all!

Here's my ending cartoon. 

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